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Sadhasivan, Gomathi
Sage, Nicole
, ADM Associates
Saul, Robert
, Opinion Dynamics
Savage, Aimee
, Nexant, Inc.
Saxonis, Bill
, New York State Department of Public Service
Scanze, Michele
, ILLUME Advising
Scheer, Adam
, Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Schlomann, Barbara
, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research
Schuetter, Scott
, Seventhwave
Scott, Kendra
, Tetra Tech
Seiden, Ken
, Navigant
Shelton, Jean
, Itron
Sherwin, Evan D.
, Carnegie Mellon University
Shkolnick, Marc
, Lincoln Electric System
Sierzchula, Will
, Navigant
Simons, George
, Itron
Slote, Stu
, Navigant
Smith, Brian Arthur
, Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Speers, Ann
, Opinion Dynamics
Spencer, Justin
, Navigant
Spirt, Vadim
, Industrial Economics, Inc.
St. Clair, Emily
, Delware Department of Natural Resources
Stachow, Les
, New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission
Steiner, Ellen
, Opinion Dynamics
Stephenson, Robert
, Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
Stevens, Noel
Stewart, James
, Cadmus
Strauss, Robert
, California Public Utilities Commission
Strom, Michael
, NMR Group, Lauren Abraham, NMR Group
Sutter, Mary
, Grounded Research and Consulting, LLC