Welcome to the IEPEC Evaluation Library


In 1985 IEPEC began cataloging papers and posters from our conference proceedings.  Today our new and updated online library contains over 1800 resource documents searchable on our website.  You can use our library to track the evolution of evaluation approaches and techniques, spark ideas for new work, and avoid re-inventing the wheel as you embark on your own evaluation work.  All papers were peer-reviewed, presented at our conference and then, and as allowed by the authors, entered into our library.  Material contained in the papers may be reproduced if the appropriate citations are included and credit is given to the Conference and the authors. Citations should be shown as:

Author, Paper Title, International Energy Program Evaluation Conference, Date.

Example: Dr. Jane Doe, Counting on Energy Programs: It’s Why Evaluation Matters, International Energy Program Evaluation Conference,  2010.

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Example: Search for best practices finds all documents with the word “best” or the word “practices,” or both.

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Example: Search for “best practices” finds only documents containing the phrase “best practices”.

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Example: Search for “best practices” finds different documents than a search for “best practice”.

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Annotated search page


Innovations in Performance Management: Integration of Strategy and Planning (PDF)

Papers | 1999 | Match Score: 4316.43

Paul DeCotis and Nancy Perry, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Continue Reading

Spreading the Net: Evaluating the Multiple Benefits Delivered by Energy Efficiency Policy (PDF)

Papers | 2012 | Match Score: 4244.49

Nina Campbell, Charlotte Forbes and Lisa Ryan all of the International Energy Agency (IEA),Paris, France Continue Reading

2015paper_fagan_rufo (PDF)

Match Score: 4244.49

Jennifer Fagan and Mike Rufo, Itron, Inc., Oakland, CA Continue Reading

Telling the “Story” of Program Influence for Custom Programs in California (PDF)

Papers | 2015 | Match Score: 4244.49

Jennifer Fagan and Mike Rufo, Itron, Inc., Oakland, CA Continue Reading

Self-Reports and Market Transformation: A Compelling New Approach (PDF)

Papers | 1999 | Match Score: 4244.49

John Cavalli, Quantum Consulting Inc., Berkeley, CA; Christie Toro, Quantum Consulting Inc., Berkeley, CA; Valerie Richardson, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, San Francisco, CA Continue Reading

Benefit Cost Analysis of a Portfolio of Energy Efficiency Programs (PDF)

Papers | 2005 | Match Score: 4244.49

Helen Kim, NYSERDA , Albany, NY Richard Ridge, Ridge & Associates, Alameda, CA Paul DeCotis, NYSERDA, Albany, NY Larry Pakenas, NYSERDA, Albany, NY Continue Reading

Are Implementers and Evaluators Missing the Forest for the Trees? (PDF)

Papers | 2005 | Match Score: 4172.55

John H. Reed, Innovologie, LLC Jeff Riggert, Innovologie, LLC. Katherine Johnson, KJ Consulting Continue Reading

You’ve Decided You Need A New Baseline Study: Now What? (PDF)

Papers | 2007 | Match Score: 4172.55

Dorothy Conant, Independent Consultant, Hudson, MA; William Blake, National Grid, Northborough, MA; Stephen Bonanno, NSTAR Electric and Gas, Westwood, MA; Bruce Harley, Conservation Services Group, Westborough, MA; Lynn Hoefgen, Nexus Market Research, Inc., Cambridge, MA; Joe Swift, Western Massachusetts Electric, Springfield, MA; Lisa... Continue Reading

Tracking Market Shares of High Efficiency Measures in California’s Residential Sector (PDF)

Papers | 2001 | Match Score: 4172.55

Dr. Frederick Sebold, Regional Economic Research, Inc., San Diego, CA; Alan Fields, Regional Economic Research, Inc., San Diego, CA; Susan Bortstein, Regional Economic Research, Inc., San Diego, CA; Phong Vu, Regional Economic Research, Inc., San Diego, CA; Rachel Weber, Regional Economic Research, Inc., San Diego, CA; Richard Pulliam,... Continue Reading

Tracking Market Shares of High Efficiency Measures in California’ Sector s Residential (PDF)

Papers | 2001 | Match Score: 4172.55

Dr. Frederick Sebold, Regional Economic Research, Inc., San Diego, CA Alan Fields, Regional Economic Research, Inc., San Diego, CA Susan Bortstein, Regional Economic Research, Inc., San Diego, CA Phong Vu, Regional Economic Research, Inc., San Diego, CA Rachel Weber, Regional Economic Research, Inc., San Diego, CA Richard Pulliam,... Continue Reading


Papers | 1991 | Match Score: 4172.55

Hugh Fowler, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Sacramento, California Continue Reading

Keep Calm and Carry On: Why Upstream Lighting Programs Are Still Important  (PDF)

Papers | 2017 | Match Score: 4172.55

David Barclay, NMR Group, Inc., Jacksonville, FL  Melanie Coen, National Grid, Waltham, MA  Kiersten von Trapp, NMR Group, Inc., Somerville, MA  Melissa Meek, NMR Group, Inc., Somerville, MA  Scott Walker, NMR Group, Inc., Somerville, MA  Continue Reading

Keep Calm and Carry On: Why Upstream Lighting Programs Are Still Important  (PDF)

Papers | 2017 | Match Score: 4172.55

David Barclay, NMR Group, Inc., Jacksonville, FL  Melanie Coen, National Grid, Waltham, MA  Kiersten von Trapp, NMR Group, Inc., Somerville, MA  Melissa Meek, NMR Group, Inc., Somerville, MA  Scott Walker, NMR Group, Inc., Somerville, MA  Continue Reading


Papers | 1991 | Match Score: 4100.61

Arvind Balasundaram, Synergic Resources Corporation, Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania Continue Reading

A Pacific Northwest Efficient Furnace Program Impact Evaluation (PDF)

Papers | 2009 | Match Score: 4100.61

Ken Agnew, KEMA Inc., Madison, WI Mimi Goldberg, KEMA Inc. Madison WI Bobbi Wilhelm, Puget Sound Energy, Bellevue WA Continue Reading

Audit Process in Ontario Provides a Different Perspective on Program Evaluation (PDF)

Papers | 2003 | Match Score: 4100.61

Robert Ziemer, KEMA-XENERGY Inc. Continue Reading

Any Way You Slice It: Issues of Behavior and Influence in Net Impact Analysis (PDF)

Papers | 1997 | Match Score: 4100.61

Christie Toro, Quantum Consulting Inc., Berkeley, CA, John Cavalli, Quantum Consulting Inc., Berkeley, CA, Mary O ‘Drain, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, San Francisco,CA Continue Reading

Energy Trust of Oregon 2009-2011 New Homes Billing Analysis: Comparison of Modeled vs. Actual Energy Usage (PDF)

Papers | 2015 | Match Score: 4100.61

Dan Rubado, Energy Trust of Oregon, Portland, OR Continue Reading

Incumbents in transition: How the natural gas regime accelerates radical innovation in the gas supply (PDF)

Papers | 2012 | Match Score: 4100.61

Joost Koch, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, NL Agency Part-time PhD student at the University of Utrecht Utrecht, The Netherlands Geert Thijssen, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, NL Agency Continue Reading

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