Welcome to the IEPEC Evaluation Library


In 1985 IEPEC began cataloging papers and posters from our conference proceedings.  Today our new and updated online library contains over 1800 resource documents searchable on our website.  You can use our library to track the evolution of evaluation approaches and techniques, spark ideas for new work, and avoid re-inventing the wheel as you embark on your own evaluation work.  All papers were peer-reviewed, presented at our conference and then, and as allowed by the authors, entered into our library.  Material contained in the papers may be reproduced if the appropriate citations are included and credit is given to the Conference and the authors. Citations should be shown as:

Author, Paper Title, International Energy Program Evaluation Conference, Date.

Example: Dr. Jane Doe, Counting on Energy Programs: It’s Why Evaluation Matters, International Energy Program Evaluation Conference,  2010.

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1. Phrases not in quotes will find documents with any of the words searched.
Example: Search for best practices finds all documents with the word “best” or the word “practices,” or both.

2. Use quotes to search for an exact phrase.
Example: Search for “best practices” finds only documents containing the phrase “best practices”.

3. Words and names require exact spelling.
Example: Search for “best practices” finds different documents than a search for “best practice”.

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5.  Selecting years to search:  The default is all years if you do not select a specific year or years to search.

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Papers | 1989 | Match Score: 2877.62

Athanasios D. Bournakis, Ph.D. Energy Resources Center University of Illinois at Chicago Continue Reading

Cost-effectiveness of energy efficiency programs – evaluating the impacts of a regional program in France (PDF)

Papers | 2010 | Match Score: 2877.62

Felix Suerkemper and Stefan Thomas, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Germany Dominique Osso and Paul Baudry, Electricité de France (EDF R&D), France Continue Reading

Using Program Logic Models to Guide Evaluation of Public Benefit Charge-Funded Clean Energy Programs (PDF)

Papers | 2005 | Match Score: 2877.62

Scott Albert, GDS Associates, Manchester, NH Raphael Herz, Mass Technology Collaborative, Westboro, MA Dr. Lori Megdal, Megdal & Associates, Acton, MA Continue Reading

Emerging Evaluation Issues Revisited (PDF)

Papers | 2011 | Match Score: 2877.62

Edward Vine, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and California Institute for Energy and Environment Nick Hall, TecMarket Works Kenneth M. Keating, Independent Consultant Martin Kushler, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Ralph Prahl, Prahl & Associates Continue Reading

Emerging Evaluation Issues Revisited (PDF)

Papers | 2011 | Match Score: 2877.62

Edward Vine, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and California Institute for Energy and Environment Nick Hall, TecMarket Works Kenneth M. Keating, Independent Consultant Martin Kushler, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Ralph Prahl, Prahl & Associates Continue Reading

The Keystone of Energy Efficiency: New Approaches to Data Analysis Methods in a Mid-Atlantic State (PDF)

Papers | 2015 | Match Score: 2877.62

Victoria DeCicco, Nexant Inc., Malvern, PA Salil Gogte, Nexant Inc., Malvern, PA Continue Reading


Papers | 1991 | Match Score: 2877.62

Steven M. Nadel American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Kenneth M. Keating Bonneville Power Administration Continue Reading

Evaluation of the European GreenLight Programme (PDF)

Papers | 2010 | Match Score: 2877.62

Silvia Rezessy and Paolo Bertoldi, European Commission Joint Research Centre Rita Werle, European Commission Joint Research Centre A+B International, Switzerland Vassilios Karavezyris, European Commission Joint Research Centre Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany Perry Sebastian,... Continue Reading

2015paper_murray_rathbun (PDF)

Match Score: 2877.62

Carley Murray, NYSERDA, Albany, New YorkPam Rathbun, Tetra Tech, Madison, Wisconsin Continue Reading

The Tangled Web of Evaluation in the Northeast United States: A Program Administrator Perspective (PDF)

Papers | 2010 | Match Score: 2877.62

Jeremy Newberger, National Grid, Waltham, MA Continue Reading

Lessons From Granddaddy: Observations From The Evaluation Of The New Jersey PSE&G Standard Offer Program (PDF)

Papers | 1999 | Match Score: 2877.62

Martin Kushler, ACEEE, Washington, D. C.; George Edgar Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corporation, Madison, WI Continue Reading

Search example (PDF)

Match Score: 2805.68

How Electric Customers Dispose of Used Refrigerators and Why They Choose a Utility Program (PDF)

Papers | 2007 | Match Score: 2805.68

Steven Westberg, Hiner & Partners; John H. Reed, Innovologie, LLC; Charles Bailey, Innovologie, LLC; Moria Morrissey, Innovologie, LLC; Don Dohrmann, ADM and Associates; John Peterson, Athens Research; Shahana Samiullah, Southern California Edison Continue Reading

The New Frontier in Energy Efficiency: Estimating the Impact of a Consumer Electronics Program (PDF)

Papers | 2013 | Match Score: 2805.68

Electronics ProgramKen Tiedemann, BC Hydro, Vancouver Continue Reading

Large Lessons Learned: Impact Evaluation of Projects That Reported Over 1,500,000 kWh/yr Savings (PDF)

Papers | 2009 | Match Score: 2805.68

Jonathan B. Maxwell, ERS, College Station, TX; Cherie Gregoire and Jennifer Meissner, NYSERDA, Albany, NY; Lori Megdal, Ph.D., Megdal & Associates, LLC, Acton, MA Continue Reading

What Have We Learned About Email Surveys? (PDF)

Papers | 2011 | Match Score: 2805.68

Dulane Moran, Research Into Action, Portland, OR April Armstrong, Research Into Action, Portland, OR Jun Suzuki, Research Into Action, Portland, OR Continue Reading


Papers | 1985 | Match Score: 2805.68

Michael R. Brambley, Jeffrey S. Bard, Bengt A. Dalemar, and Marla C. Johns, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri Continue Reading

Policy Pyramids: An Evaluation Framework for Industrial GHG Mitigation Policies (PDF)

Papers | 2012 | Match Score: 2805.68

Julia Reinaud, Institute for Industrial Productivity, Paris Amélie Goldberg, Institute for Industrial Productivity, Paris Continue Reading

A Tale of Two Channels: Assessing the Effectiveness of a Small Business Direct Install Program (PDF)

Papers | 2017 | Match Score: 2805.68

Alyssa Na'im, NMR Group, Inc., Somerville, MA Joseph Dolengo, National Grid, Waltham, MA Monica Nevius, NMR Group, Inc., Somerville, MA David Barclay, NMR Group, Inc., Somerville, MA Nicole Rosenberg, NMR Group, Inc., Somerville, MA Continue Reading

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