Welcome to the IEPEC Evaluation Library


In 1985 IEPEC began cataloging papers and posters from our conference proceedings.  Today our new and updated online library contains over 1800 resource documents searchable on our website.  You can use our library to track the evolution of evaluation approaches and techniques, spark ideas for new work, and avoid re-inventing the wheel as you embark on your own evaluation work.  All papers were peer-reviewed, presented at our conference and then, and as allowed by the authors, entered into our library.  Material contained in the papers may be reproduced if the appropriate citations are included and credit is given to the Conference and the authors. Citations should be shown as:

Author, Paper Title, International Energy Program Evaluation Conference, Date.

Example: Dr. Jane Doe, Counting on Energy Programs: It’s Why Evaluation Matters, International Energy Program Evaluation Conference,  2010.

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Annotated search page


Watch Your Next Step – Continuing Change in the Northwest New Homes Market (PDF)

Papers | 2015 | Match Score: 2949.56

John Boroski, Evergreen Economics, Portland, OR Dr. Ted Helvoigt, Evergreen Economics, Portland, OR Anu Teja, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Portland, OR Christopher Frye, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Portland, OR Continue Reading


Papers | 1991 | Match Score: 2949.56

Anne Graham, Scott Pigg, and Jeff Schlegel, Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, Peter Harrison, The Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company Chicago, Illinois Continue Reading

Measuring the Impact of India’s Standard and Labeling program (PDF)

Papers | 2016 | Match Score: 2949.56

Neha Dhingra, CLASP, New Delhi, India Archana Walia, CLASP, New Delhi, India P. K. Mukherjee, CLASP, New Delhi, India Continue Reading

2015paper_tabor_larson_spencer_tanner_korn (PDF)

Match Score: 2949.56

TableLaura Tabor, Navigant, Boulder, COTony Larson, National Grid, Waltham, MAJustin Spencer, Navigant, Boulder, CORyan Tanner, Navigant, Boulder, CODave Korn, The Cadmus Group, Waltham, MA Continue Reading

Application of Commercial Sector Energy Code Compliance Documents for Assessing Baseline Practice (PDF)

Papers | 2005 | Match Score: 2949.56

Lead Author: Gary Epstein, ENERGY & RESOURCE SOLUTIONS, INC. (ERS) Co-Authors: Yogesh Patil, Brian McCowan, Mark D’Antonio (ERS) Susan Haselhorst, NStar Electric and Gas Continue Reading

Application of Commercial Sector Energy Code Compliance Documents for Assessing Baseline Practice (PDF)

Abstracts | 2005 | Match Score: 2949.56

Application of Commercial Sector Energy CodeCompliance Documents for Assessing Baseline PracticeAssessing Whether Compliance Documents Can Be Used for Developing LightingBaseline DataLead Author: Gary Epstein, ENERGY & RESOURCE SOLUTIONS, INC. (ERS)Co-Authors: Yogesh Patil, Brian McCowan, Mark D’Antonio (ERS)Susan Haselhorst, NStar... Continue Reading

paper-bertoldi (PDF)

Match Score: 2949.56

The assessment of the Member States National Energy Efficiency Action plans: will the EU reach the 2020 target? (PDF)

Papers | 2016 | Match Score: 2949.56

Paolo Bertoldi, European Commission, JRC - Institute for Energy and Transport Marina Economidou, European Commission, JRC - Institute for Energy and Transport) Continue Reading

Billing Analysis & Environment that “Re-Sets” Savings for Programmable Thermostats in New Homes (PDF)

Papers | 2005 | Match Score: 2949.56

Billing Analysis & Environment that “Re-Sets” Savings for Programmable Thermostats in New Homes Pierre Baillargeon, Eng., Econoler, Québec, Canada Lori Megdal, Ph.D., Megdal & Associates, Acton, Massachusetts Normand Michaud, Eng., MBA, Econoler, Québec, Canada Carl Acocella, Hydro-Québec, Québec, Canada Continue Reading

Developing a Non-Energy Benefits Indicator Framework for Residential and Community Energy Efficiency Programs in New South Wales, Australia (PDF)

Papers | 2016 | Match Score: 2949.56

David Kenington, Databuild, London, United Kingdom Jennifer Wood, New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney NSW, Australia Michael Reid, Databuild, Sydney NSW, Australia Linda Klein, Databuild, Sydney NSW, Australia Continue Reading

Finding and Counting Market Effects: A New Construction Program Example (PDF)

Papers | 2011 | Match Score: 2949.56

Lynn Hoefgen, NMR Group, Inc., Somerville, MA; Greg Clendenning, NMR Group, Inc., Arlington, VA; Ayat Osman, California Public Utilities Commission, San Francisco, CA; Ken Keating, CPUC Master Evaluation Contractor Team, Portland, OR; Edward Vine, California Institute for Energy and Environment, Berkeley, CA; Allen Lee, Cadmus Group,... Continue Reading

Breaking Down Barriers: An Alternative Method to Measure Program Influence (PDF)

Papers | 2016 | Match Score: 2877.62

Kathryn Parlin, West Hill Energy and Computing, Brattleboro, VT Jennifer Fagan, Itron, Madison, WI Rumbi Vushe, West Hill Energy and Computing, Brattleboro, VT Continue Reading

Not so intractable after all? Lessons from a midstream Energy Efficiency pilot targeting set-top boxes (PDF)

Papers | 2015 | Match Score: 2877.62

Dr. Alexandra Dunn, Research Into Action, Inc., Portland OR Dr. Mersiha McClaren, Research Into Action, Inc., Portland OR Dr. Miriam Fischlein, Southern California Edison Continue Reading

2015paper_dunn_mcclaren_fischlein (PDF)

Match Score: 2877.62

targeting set-top boxesDr. Alexandra Dunn, Research Into Action, Inc., Portland ORDr. Mersiha McClaren, Research Into Action, Inc., Portland ORDr. Miriam Fischlein, Southern California Edison Continue Reading


Papers | 1997 | Match Score: 2877.62

Miriam L. Goldberg, XENERGY Inc., Madison, WI Kurt Scheuermann, XENERGY Inc., Madison, WI Continue Reading


Papers | 1997 | Match Score: 2877.62

Miriam L. Goldberg, XENERGY Inc., Madison, WI; Kurt Scheuermann, XENERGY Inc., Madison, WI Continue Reading

Uses of Evaluation Findings: Taking a First-Year Industrial Program to the Next Level (PDF)

Papers | 2012 | Match Score: 2877.62

Doreen Caruth, Integrative Growth, Minneapolis, MN Jean Bardeaux, Xcel Energy, Minneapolis, MN Continue Reading

Evaluation and Performance Incentives: Seeking Paths to (Relatively) Peaceful Coexistence (PDF)

Papers | 2009 | Match Score: 2877.62

Michael W. Rufo, Itron Inc., Oakland, CA Continue Reading

2017paper_ross_tortorella_millette_gandhi (PDF)

Match Score: 2877.62

Zach Ross, Opinion Dynamics, State College, PAJohn Tortorella, Opinion Dynamics, Waltham, MAJake Millette, Opinion Dynamics, Waltham, MADimple Gandhi, PSEG-LI, Melville, NY Continue Reading

Painting the Whole Picture: Understanding the Impacts of Energy Efficiency Using Cost Effectiveness Testing and Economic Impact Assessments (PDF)

Papers | 2017 | Match Score: 2877.62

Zach Ross, Opinion Dynamics, State College, PA John Tortorella, Opinion Dynamics, Waltham, MA Jake Millette, Opinion Dynamics, Waltham, MA Dimple Gandhi, PSEG-LI, Melville, NY Continue Reading

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