Welcome to the IEPEC Evaluation Library


In 1985 IEPEC began cataloging papers and posters from our conference proceedings.  Today our new and updated online library contains over 1800 resource documents searchable on our website.  You can use our library to track the evolution of evaluation approaches and techniques, spark ideas for new work, and avoid re-inventing the wheel as you embark on your own evaluation work.  All papers were peer-reviewed, presented at our conference and then, and as allowed by the authors, entered into our library.  Material contained in the papers may be reproduced if the appropriate citations are included and credit is given to the Conference and the authors. Citations should be shown as:

Author, Paper Title, International Energy Program Evaluation Conference, Date.

Example: Dr. Jane Doe, Counting on Energy Programs: It’s Why Evaluation Matters, International Energy Program Evaluation Conference,  2010.

Search tips:

1. Phrases not in quotes will find documents with any of the words searched.
Example: Search for best practices finds all documents with the word “best” or the word “practices,” or both.

2. Use quotes to search for an exact phrase.
Example: Search for “best practices” finds only documents containing the phrase “best practices”.

3. Words and names require exact spelling.
Example: Search for “best practices” finds different documents than a search for “best practice”.

4. The use of wildcards (asterisks) or Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) are not supported.

5.  Selecting years to search:  The default is all years if you do not select a specific year or years to search.

Annotated search page


The Devil’s in the Details: What is the Effect of Methodological Decisions on Estimated Savings? (PDF)

Papers | 2017 | Match Score: 215.82

Pace Goodman, Navigant, Moscow, ID Jes Rivas, Navigant, Vancouver, WA Marilla Yaggie, Navigant, Boulder, CO Lauren Gage, Apex Analytics, Coeur d’Alene, ID Continue Reading

More Tools in the Toolbox – An Examination of Metrics for Low-Income Customer Energy Burden (PDF)

Papers | 2017 | Match Score: 215.82

Jenny Fraser, Evergreen Economics, Portland, OR Tami Rasmussen, Evergreen Economics, Berkeley, CA Ingo Bensch, Evergreen Economics, Madison, WI Carol Edwards, Southern California Edison, Rosemead, CA Continue Reading

Dimming Ballasts: As Good as We Think? Dave Bisbee, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Sacramento California (PDF)

Papers | 2015 | Match Score: 215.82

John Caffrey, ADM Associates, Inc., Sacramento California Continue Reading

Achieving Uniformity in EM&V Methods: The American Experience (PDF)

Presentations | 2014 | Match Score: 215.82

IEPEC Conference September 2014, Berlin Hossein Haeri, The Cadmus Group Portland, OR Continue Reading

Measurement and Verification: Making AMI Data Smart for Demand Response (PDF)

Presentations | 2014 | Match Score: 215.82

Will Gifford - DNV GL Continue Reading

Primary Refrigerators: An Examination of Appliance Recycling Program Design (PDF)

Papers | Match Score: 215.82

Kate Bushman, The Cadmus Group, Inc., Portland, OR, Karen Kansfield, Ameren Illinois, Peoria, IL, Joshua Keeling, The Cadmus Group, Inc., Portland, OR Continue Reading

wudka_presentation (PDF)

Match Score: 215.82

presentation_haeri (PDF)

Match Score: 215.82

presentation_gifford (PDF)

Match Score: 215.82

IEPEC Amelie EnMP evaluations_final [Read-Only] (PDF)

Session Agendas | 2012 | Match Score: 215.82

Presentation: Measuring up — how does my baseline compare? (PDF)

Presentations | 2017 | Match Score: 215.82

Presentation: A SNAPSHOT OF NILM (PDF)

Presentations | 2017 | Match Score: 215.82

Don’t Phone it in – Onsites are Necessary (PDF)

Presentations | 2015 | Match Score: 215.82

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